BoatU.S. is the AAA of boating. Basic membership ( @ $30) comes with $50 on water towing. A word of advice; $50 doesn't go very far for on water towing. I have used my membership for towing twice. First time was on the basic membership. Towing bill was $125. $50 helped but.... When I got home I upgraded my membership to unlimited towing on water towing (@ $20 and is fresh water only). The next time I needed it the tow boat took me back to the launch and put my boat on the trailer for $0. I have also upgraded my membership to the unlimited trailer towing in case of bearing failure or any other trailer problem. This is @ another $20. So for $ 70 a year I have complete peace of mind. Oh yes, I also have VHF marine band 2 way radio on my boat. When I broke down I keyed the mike on channel 16 (emergency channel) and got Vessel Assist instantly. They were on the spot in 15 minutes both times. y buddy also has VHF on his boat and we can communicate anywhere on the lake to update each other on the fishing conditions where we are. You can purchase a basic VHF for @ $100, and a 4' antennae for @ $50. I would never own a boat again without VHF, and I highly recommend BoatU.S. membership. Oh yes, you get BoatU.S. magazine each month with your membership, and with the trailering upgrade you receive Trailering magazine as well. And there is also a BoatU.S. Angler magazine available.

Posted Thu May 12, 2011 11:44 pm

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